The CSR approach has been anchored in the DNA of the SAGESSE Group, a family-owned company, since its creation.
"I have always been convinced that to be successful and sustainable, the Group should not only be profit-oriented, but also useful, in the public interest, creating jobs, satisfying patients, residents and spa-goers, and generating activity for its partners and the regions in which the Group's companies are based. Each and every one of the actions we take is based on a strong commitment to ethics, social responsibility and the environment". Yves Journel
The SAGESSE Group and its subsidiaries offer services that are as exemplary as they are sustainable. The Group has strengthened its governance by setting up a CSR Committee to support and coordinate the implementation of its environmental and social commitments.

In terms of social responsibility, we cultivate the values of solidarity, humanism and respect within our teams in the service of the most vulnerable. SAGESSE is deploying a roadmap to 2026, and has strengthened the skills of its employees by initiating a process of validation of acquired experience and training leading to qualifications. Human support for all employees in the medical-social sector is a key element in guaranteeing excellent quality of service and care.
In a sector facing recruitment difficulties, SAGESSE is committed to providing its business expertise to ensure the transmission of know-how crucial to service continuity within its establishments, to developing a dynamic recruitment policy in favor of the younger generation to encourage vocations, and to offering a fulfilling work environment that values environmental and social talents.

In terms of environmental responsibility, the SAGESSE Group has been running a program since 2022 to manage and monitor the energy consumption of its buildings, which will complement the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. Through its investment subsidiary SRS, the Group aims to support all its subsidiaries in reducing the climate impact of their various activities. The renovation of all our facilities and High Environmental Quality construction projects are part of a multi-year action plan.
Other key actions include supporting our suppliers in the ecological transition, optimizing our waste, particularly that associated with care activities, promoting zero plastic, involving teams through dedicated training, and combating food waste.

As the guarantor of the Group's long-term vision, SAGESSE also ensures that everyone's rights and duties are respected. The various Supervisory Boards define the major strategic orientations and ensure their implementation. They also verify the reliability of the information provided to them and by them. The Supervisory Boards also monitor the effectiveness of measures to prevent corruption and influence peddling. In addition, SAGESSE, via its investment subsidiary SRS, is committed to ensuring respect for the mutual rights and duties of the Group and its shareholders.
SAGESSE promotes open dialogue within the Group and with all its stakeholders. This is why the Group has set up an Alert Procedure, an online interface that offers the possibility of reporting in good faith violations of laws, regulations or internal principles of conduct in a confidential and secure manner.
Wisdom Alert Procedure - Home (integrityline.com)
The SAGESSE Code of Conduct provides a common ethical foundation for the Group and its subsidiaries, bringing together the rules that all employees must follow in the performance of their duties.
Access the Whistleblower Charter
Access the SAGESSE Code of Conduct